Monday, February 24

What I'm eating: a variety of fruit!

While we normally buy bananas, apples, and even occasionally grapes, buying a whole bunch of fruit is usually beyond our means, and expensive fruit such as berries are rarely, if ever, within our financial reach. Our meager student wages allow us to scrape by with just the staples, and a few of the cheaper fruits and vegetables. Sadly I must say that at the harshest of times whole days go by where we do not eat any fruits or vegetables at all (which is why we eat at our parents' houses once a week!).

However, I've recently had an influx of work (and thus an influx of money, hooray!) meaning that we can now afford to buy some grocery items that were previously luxuries, such as a variety of fruit! This has also led to some interesting explorations and discoveries, namely my newly acquired taste for blueberries.

I've always hated blueberries, all berries except strawberries for that matter (which aren't actually berries anyway!), but something made me decide to give them another shot. Wow, now I love blueberries! It just goes to show, you can't try a food enough times because your taste palate is always developing and changing.

A current favourite is overnight oats (I double the recipe) topped with blueberries, strawberries, and amber agave syrup.

I've also been enjoying fruit salads, such as this one of watermelon, rock melon, honey dew melon, strawberries, red seedless grapes, banana, mango, and blue berries - topped with coconut yoghurt and passion fruit. Talk about eating a rainbow!

These may seem like small, inconsequential and everyday foods for some people, but I have to say that I feel like a queen being able to go to the supermarket and load up my trolley with a whole heap of fruit just because it's yummy! Every time I eat it, it feels like such a treat and every time I open my fridge I smile at all the fresh produce in there.

Too bad that uni goes back in a week and so the money will dry up. Enjoy it while it lasts I say! This is my last year of uni (finally!) and so hopefully this time next year eating a fruit salad won't be such an exciting occasion!

Happy eating! :)


  1. Yum! I was a student for many years so totally understand the $ restrictions. Luckily cheap and simple food is often the best!

    1. Yeah there is so much good food that you can make cheaply. It's really strange, people have said to me, "wow it must be hard to afford food when you're vegan, fruit and vegetables cost heaps!" but I've never found that! The cheapest meals are vegan in my experience (beans and rice anyone?). Plus I find that our shopping bill on weeks when we eat vegetable based meals (curries, soups, veggie mash) are cheaper than on weeks when we eat things like burritos, pizza, and pre-packaged food. Vegetables are one of the cheaper things we buy, it's the other stuff that eats away the money: milk, juice, toilet paper, shampoo, etc!


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