Sunday, September 23

What I'm eating: fruit salad anyone?

This is a lovely fruit salad that I made for breakfast. I used orange, honey dew melon, strawberries, golden kiwi fruit, and passionfruit. This was actually the first time I've ever used passionfruit in my life. I've had it in restaurants and things of course, but I've never actually bought one and prepared it for some reason.

Well, the fruit salad is wonderful, I'm eating it as I type. With it, I'm having a glass of Nudie Nothing But 21 Oranges (with pulp) Juice. No sugar, additives, or even added water, in this baby! Just the good stuff. I always buy my orange juice with pulp because you get the added fiber, without that it's really just sugary water! Note of interest: juice is now considered to be only slightly better for you than cordial. Water is the only thing you should really drink on a regular basis so if you find yourself guzzling the juice, try swapping a glass for a piece of juicy fruit instead. Whole fruit has much more fiber, and in some cases more vitamins, than just a glass of juice.

Now that we're heading away from winter, all of the nice fruit seems to be coming back. Strawberries in particular are excellent at the moment. Maybe you should make a fresh fruit salad too?

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